Habari! I am Kalbin bin Kalb sah Tarna and I am chief Chef at Hero-University. I am so very excited! It is Kalbin’s very first time as chief Chef! I am also the host for Hero’s Feast. I am so very excited to share favorite foods and recipes with you from across whole world of Gloriana.

I am so very happy to meet you. What can I do for you? Would you like something to eat? Maybe you would like a dessert? Maybe two desserts? Kalbin will be very happy to give you many, many desserts.

I know. I am bad. Desserts are not very healthy. You should eat apples instead. Maybe you would like Germania Apple Pancakes? Maybe Apple soup? Apple roasted chicken with Apple dressing? Apple pie? Apple streudel? Oh, sorry…not so many desserts.

Maybe we shall have Nyama Choma from Tarna? Kartoffelpuffer from Spielburg?  Zereshk Polo from Shapeir? Garlic soup from Mordavia? Avgolemono from Silmaria? We can make very tasty food from all over! It will make your belly very happy.

Oh, yes, I am to talk about Kalbin. I am Kalbin son of Kalb from Tarna. It is very far away from here. My father is meat seller. Papa Kalb is best meat seller in Tarna! My mother is Mwindazi Deka of the Damu Mwezi clan. Mama Deka is very good hunter. I am not good hunter. Clan say ‘Kalbin, he talk too much. Kalbin, he hunt pofu and find siafu.’ True. I am very sorry. There are always so many questions I must ask, and smells I must smell. Also, so many things in head that I must say. This is not good when hunting dikidiki.

Have you tasted the chicken tagine from Maraca? Or maybe chicken biryani from Inja? Oh, are you Paladin and do not eat meat? Try the efo riro from Yoruba. It is very yummy.

What was I speaking of? Oh, yes, me! Kalbin is bad hunter. Kalbin is bad meat seller. Old meat smell makes me gag. Sorry to say, but is not good to gag on buyer when selling old meat. Kalbin is sad.

But Kalbin is good in kitchen! Kalbin can smell difference between paprika, ground cinnamon,  and chili powder. Is not good to mistake one for other. People are sad when they eat paprika rolls when they wanted cinnamon rolls.

Kalbin is very good at following directions in recipes. Kalbin wants so much to make good food. Kalbin wants so much to make people happy.

That is why Kalbin is very happy to be here at Hero’s Feast. Kalbin is so very happy to meet and talk and cook for you. Let us cook together!

Kwa heri ya kuonana!

  • Kalbin bin Kalb

3 thoughts on “Meet Kalbin bin Kalb

  1. Hi Kalbin! We are pleased to meet you! Tell your father we said “Hello” and we promise not to haggle him down too far next time we’re visiting Tarna.
    P.S. I love my “Koffee with Kalbin” mug.

    1. Habari Tyler! I am so glad to meet you! You got my mug? That makes my tail wag so much that the dishes are all rattling in the cupboards. I will be happy to tell my baba that you greeted him. He will bask in the pleasure of knowing that you remember him. You have made us both proud to say that we have met you. Asante sana!

  2. Habari and g’day, Kalbin, from the Land Down Under [I wonder what the Gloriana equivalent is called]. Talk about a blast from the past! I met your father, over 20 years ago, while vacationing in Tarna. I was just a kit, at the time, so I suppose that would make us about the same age. It’s good to meet a fellow canine, especially one who likes to cook!

    I hope that we can get to know each other a bit better! Cooking, and especially baking, are also hobbies of mine. Do you make good falafel? My family is known for their kebabs, but desserts are our favorites. We make some of the fluffiest pavlovas you’ve ever tasted. They’re so light that they almost hover off the plate (I hope I’m not bragging)! We should exchange recipes! Is there an address where I can send them?

    I hope that we can stay in contact, and that I can become your friend. It can be a bit lonely to be a canine in Gloriana. There aren’t a lot of us, especially foxes like me (I only ever met one other, on a trip to Spielburg). Knowing that there is another canine out there, especially one with the same hobby, has made me so happy. My tail and ears haven’t stopped twitching all week.

    It’s good to meet you, and I hope that we talk, soon! Asante Sana!


    P.S. Tell Lori I love my stuffed meep. 🙂

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